[Allied Airport | Swampland | Boss "VIOLET HEAD" | Beach Landing | Bomber Squadron | Boss "SAND LOBSTER" | Final Boss]
STAGE 1 - Allied Airport Stage
BOSS NAME: (Unknown)Turbine-Driven Aircraft ThingamajigStage Secrets & Boss Strategies Miclus: 3 Fairy: 1 This stage is quite short, and not too challenging. Its setting is over a military airport belonging to the good guys, which is under siege by the enemy. You'll see a cameo appearance of the Endeavor from first Raiden Fighters; there is a couple of them in port on the right side below some Aegis II-c fighters. When you encounter this stage as your second stage, an Aegis II-c fighter will accompany you (two if in a two-player game). It is possible to build up to the 100K-point medals in this stage. It is quite easy to do once you know where and when every enemy appears in this stage. I've done it numerous times with the Raiden mk-II. You must begin this stage first do to this feat. To do this, after inserting a coin, hold UP or DOWN on the joystick while pressing the START button. The strange-looking boss in this stage is hard to describe. It looks like a hybrid of a hovercraft, a helicopter, and an airplane! This amalgamation of different types of craft is easy to contend with, save a couple of fast attacks in its second attack phase. Come to think of it, ALL of the bosses in Raiden Fighters 2 are disappointingly easy. Many of their attacks are watered-down versions of attacks by bosses in the first Raiden Fighters, with a couple of fast attacks thrown in to catch players off-guard. Only the true final boss, Red Eye, is insanely hard. Red Eye is even harder in its reappearance in Raiden Fighters Jet, LEVEL 50! |
Hover over the Miclus while shooting him to collect the medals the Miclus spits out one at a time. This will increase the medal's value. You should now have 90-point silver medals. Shortly thereafter, a large green bomber appears. Destroy it and get the Slave Icon [S]. |
Now begin building up the green medals' values. A large green bomber appears. Destroy it and pick up the Slave Icon. A small truck on the left will travel across the screen and collide with the heavier tank that you left alone on the right. Both the truck and the tank will explode. After this a Miclus will appear from the large white plane on the ground above the collision. Overlap the Miclus and shoot it to get the green medals on at a time. You now should have 9000 point medals.
TANK x 3: Defend the three small friendly white tanks that the Huge Enemy Tank shoots at from its shots. If you defend all three tanks, a Miclus will appear from the huge white plane on the ground to the right of the Huge Enemy Tank! You can accomplish this by throwing two bombs to absorb the Huge Enemy Tank's shots. Oddly enough, your bombs don't hurt the small tanks, or anything else but the enemies for that matter. (100,000 points each)
Aegis II-c Assistance: You will receive 100,000 points for every Aegis II-c that remains after you pass the Huge Enemy Tank.
The Boss:
[Allied Airport | Swampland | Boss "VIOLET HEAD" | Beach Landing | Bomber Squadron | Boss "SAND LOBSTER" | Final Boss]