The Verdict: Blue cousin of Judge Spear. 

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LASER: Vulcan Cannon
MISSILE: Burst Concussion Missiles
The Verdict: This is the blue version of the Judge Spear that the second player uses in Viper Phase 1. The Blue Javelin is a little slower than the Judge Spear. The Vulcan Cannon has a little spread when fully powered up. The Burst Concussion Missiles come directly from Viper Phase 1. When fully powered up, Blue Javelin can shoot up to 16 of these missiles in one burst. Accelerating missiles allow for easy attack against multiple targets. The Blue Javelin also uses the Dimension Mine bomb the Judge Spear uses from Viper Phase 1. This ship can use both Laser and Missile weapons simultaneously, but each needs to be powered up individually.

Pros: Decent speed and rapid-fire rate. Its Dimension Mine bomb is regarded as the best bomb of all the fighters. It deploys quickly.

Cons: Offensive power is quite weak. Significant delay between each burst of missiles leaves you open to attack.

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